A key part of what makes me and my services so different is that I am a holistic marketer but so many people are not aware what this means.
The word holistic is mainly used within healthcare to talk about care that considers everything from mental, physical and social requirements. It follows the idea that “the whole is more than the sum of its parts” – so by considering everything together you are able to have a far greater outcome and success than if done so separately.
After working at two medical charities where this was a key aspect of why they were do successful at helping their charges, it was clear how effective this style of management and strategy can be in marketing. With a history of running marketing departments, design, photography and social media campaigns, I am able to take a truly holistic approach to creating social media campaigns for businesses that will work with and in their general marketing.
Great social media campaigns are not just about just social media knowledge but brings together brand, design, video, copy, content and offline marketing knowledge. As an expert in more than just social media marketing, I can manage this effectively which is a rarity within the industry.
An holistic marketing approach will lead to a more successful campaign and improve the success of other marketing channels as well.
If you would like to know more about holistic marketing and how it can help you and your business, contact me now on the form below.
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